city college of san francisco // Spring 2015 //
february - may
Classes are held at the historic Fort Mason Building in the gorgeous Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Marina.
Paint as material:
February 26 - March 26 (5 meetings)
Thursday nights 6:30 - 9:30, Rm 103 To Register: Enter course #AR494 + $135 early registration fee. ($150 regular registration). $15 materials fee due in class. |
Whether you are already exploring new ways of painting, want
a new group of people to work with or you are just beginning to branch out,
this is the class for you to dig into paint! We will be emphasizing the relationships
we have with paint as a material and vehicle for expression, as opposed to what
can be represented by painting. We will workshop pour techniques, recursion,
immersion, dipping and other inventive techniques for painting. We will not be
standing quietly in front of easels, but will instead be working our whole
bodies to get paint on surfaces—substantial quantities of inexpensive paint,
buckets, water resistant drop cloths and a variety of substrates will be
necessary for students to invest in. Projects will embrace larger scales and
unorthodox tools. Class will include short art history lecture and
demonstration followed by studio time and short critiques. Students are
strongly encouraged to do a majority of new work outside of class time. Get ready
to paint without brushes!!
Line & Song: creating drawings through listening
April 4 - May 4 (5 meetings)
Monday nights 6:30 - 9:30, Room 207 To Register: Enter course # AR271 + $135 early registration fee. ($150 regular registration). $10 materials fee due in class.
Though we are usually taught to draw what we see, in this
class we will draw what we hear. From Classical to Punk Rock to International and
many other music styles in between we will collectively listen to music and
draw what we hear. Through careful listening and movements of the body we will
explore the interconnect-ness of absorbing one media through the sense of
hearing, and then transliterate that sense into touch through drawing. Class
time includes short lecture time on the physiology of sound, and art or music
history, drawing while listening and class critique. This is a fun, conceptual
and interdisciplinary class focusing on process. Through personal exploration,
class participation and feedback, each student creates their own individualized
method for transcribing song into visuals. Students are encouraged to try a
variety of materials of their choice that work best for the method they develop
for working this way. This is an excellent class for people looking to expand
their ways of drawing, and to engage in experimental modes of creation, work
toward taking risks and to consider abandoning preconceived notions of what a
drawing is.
materials matrix: Exploring texture and gesture of dry and wet materials |
April 16 - May 14 (5 meetings)
Thursday nights 6:30 to 9:30, Room 203 To Register: Enter Course #AR290 + $145 early registration fee ($150 regular registration). + $10 materials fee in class |
For this class we will be introducing a wide range of materials to feel and understand their textures, the kind of marks they make and the visual results they bring. Beginning with tools such as a stylus, scissors and razorblades, we will pierce, cut and join segments using a range of substrates such as paper, canvas and fabric. Next, we will work our way through a variety of dry drawing materials, such as graphite, pastels and charcoal and explore the way they feel and respond through drawing and erasing on paper. Then we will work with dry materials that can be manipulated by adding water or solvents to create liquids such as oil pastels, Prismacolor sticks and watercolor pencils. Finally we will return to fabric and canvas and explore how soluble materials permeate fiber. Participants should be ready to invest or acquire a moderate amount of materials and tools for maximum exploration, though the things they bring to class need not be expensive or large scale. Through experimentation and understanding how materials correlate with feeling and touch, each student will begin to gain a relationship with what they enjoy most to expand the beginning stages of their art studio practice.